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15 Effective Natural Remedies for Dry eyes Relief!

15 Effective Natural Remedies for Dry eyes Relief


15 Effective Natural Remedies for Dry eyes Relief!

Eyes are one of the important parts of the body. Whenever your eyes have some symptoms such as redness, painful or dry sensation, blurred vision, mucous around or in your eyes, you will have dry eyes syndrome. These reasons that cause such problems are environmental factors, medical conditions, aging, medications etc.

Dry eyes are not a life-threatening disease. It happens when our eyes are not lubricated adequately. Tears play important role in lubricating our eyes, keeping them healthy, preventing numerous eye issues such as dry eyes.

When your eyes do not release enough tears, it may result in dry eyes as well as many other eye problems. Eye drops or lifestyle changes may relieve the symptoms of dry eyes and make you feel comfortable.

There are numerous other things that trigger dry eyes. Some of them are:

  • Sitting in front of the PC or TV for long hours
  • Reading books continuously
  • Consuming excessive alcohol
  • Addictive smoking
  • Hypertension
  • Allergies
  • Exposure to harsh weather

 So, instead of rushing to a doctor, you can treat your dry eyes with these few natural remedies if the conditions are initial. If you have severe symptoms than it is preferred to go for doctor.


1. Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial in relieving rheumatoid arthritis, improves cardiovascular health, reduces blood pressure, and lowers the risk of macular degeneration.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also very important nutrient for the eye health. They have the ability to relieve the irritation caused by dry eyes.

The anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 fatty acids help to stimulate the production of higher-quality tears. Include sources of omega 3 fatty acids in your diet such as flaxseed oil, walnuts, soybean oil, chia seeds, eggs and fish (mackerel, sardine, salmon and tuna).

2. Sleep

Dry eyes may also be caused by not taking good sleep. A deep sleep is also very important to treat dry eyes. Sleep provides your body enough time to heal any health problems. After long hours of work, your whole body especially eyes, require 7 to 8-hour sleep. More of working or playing game in front of the computer for long hours also affect eye’s health. Thus, it is important to let your eyes relax by going to bed early. Sleep at least 7 hours daily. Give rest to your eyes 5 minutes rest in between if you work for long hours on computer.

3. Warm compress

Warm compresses remedy given to your eyes can stimulate production of high-quality tears by boosting the circulation levels in the eyelids. It helps in opening the clogged meibomian glands and softens the hard meibum, relieving from dry eyes. Apply warm compresses to your closed eyelids.

Use this remedy within a proper temperature. The ideal temperature of the warm compresses is 108 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Water

Dehydration also increases the risk of dry eyes. Thus, it is recommended to increase your water intake during the day. Water boosts the metabolic activities of your body, keeping your body active whole day.

20% of water in your body is taken from foods you eat while the rest is from the purified drinking water. So drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.

5. Green tea

Green tea bags are beneficial for dry eyes. It is packed with antioxidants and polyphenols that reduce the risk of preventing heart disease, cancer, treating type 2 diabetes and also aids in weight loss.

Green tea hydrate your dry eyes. Keeping green tea bags are one of simple natural home remedies for dry eyes you can give.

6. Potassium

To maintain your eye health, it is recommended to increase your potassium intake. Potassium is necessary for the tear film, maintenance of corneal epithelium’s and its thickness.

To get relief from dry eyes, you should eat foods rich in potassium like- bananas, kelp, avocados, dates, almonds, raisins, and figs.

7. Zinc

Along with potassium, zinc is also important for eyes. The deficiency of zinc in body may result in dry eyes and other eye problems. Zinc maintains the functioning of different body systems and stimulates the activity of approx.

100 enzymes, especially the enzymes of the eye’s vascular coating. Eat zinc-rich foods such as legumes, sunflower seeds mushrooms, fish, kelp, yeast, whole grains etc.

8. Castor oil

Castor oil is one of effective home remedies for dry eyes. It boosts up the lymphatic circulation. This oil is used in Ayurveda for treatment of floaters cataracts. Furthermore, the oil can help for eye detoxification.

Also, castor oil can works well in treating dry eyes caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. Put 2 drops of castor oil in both of your eyes each night. Repeat this treatment until you get the satisfactory result.

9. Tamarind

Tamarind is grown widely in India and it works great for dry eyes. Tamarind seeds can be found in the dry season. The seeds are rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium, vitamin C, and amino acids.

Tamarind seeds possess numerous health benefits, because of its high nutrient content. One of the crucial benefits is treating dry eyes.

Put some tamarind seeds in warm water. Let it steep from 5-10 minutes. Strain the water. Apply this solution around your eyes using cotton. Wash with warm water.

 10. Mix of almond milk, turmeric, cinnamon, honey, and cloves

For dry eyes treatment, the mixture of almond milk, turmeric, honey, cinnamon, and cloves is highly recommended. Turmeric possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help increase the sensitivity to insulin, almonds contain plenty of nutrients such as manganese, fiber, vitamin E, protein, vitamin B2, magnesium and phosphorous.

Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties while cloves have antimicrobial and aphrodisiac effects. This mixture if applied regularly can work great for dry eyes. Consume this mixture for few weeks regularly.

11. Rose water

Rose water along with keeping your skin healthy also is great for dry and sore eyes. When you apply the rose water solution regularly, the discomfort and irritation that is caused by dry eyes disappears instantly in around five minutes.

12. Cold milk

You can also treat dry eyes with cold milk. The cold milk relieves the strain of eyes and gives you an immediate relief from dry tired eyes.

13. Mint

Mint contains menthol which gives a cooling effect and can help in stimulating tear production. This will leave your eyes feeling refreshed and energized. Take clean 10 – 12 mint leaves and boil them in some water. Let it cool. Take a clean cloth and soak in water. Apply this on your eyes and then wash with clean water.

14. Coriander juice

This herb is packed with vitamin A and C, antioxidants and minerals; that help reduce the risk of vision disorder and macular degeneration. It relieves from the strain and stress of eyes. Coriander has Beta-carotene that can cure many eye diseases including dry eyes.

15. Chamomile tea

Bisabolol found in chamomile is responsible for the benefits this tea provides. Bisabolol has calming and antimicrobial properties.

Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory and cooling effects of chamomile tea help to retain the lost moisture of your eyes and also relieve tiredness of eyes.


Tips to Remember

  • Keep your eyes moisturized
  • Wear sunglasses when you go out
  • Clean your eyelids using mild soap
  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs
  • Drink 8- 10 glass of water per day
  • Do not rub your eyes
  • Decrease salt consumption
  • Stay indoors on windy day
  • Get an eye checkup regularly
  • Consume green vegetables
  • Massage your eyes daily
  • Stop wearing contact lenses

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