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10 Superfoods to Increase the Breast Milk Supply

10 Superfoods to Increase the Breast Milk Supply


10 Superfoods to Increase the Breast Milk Supply

All the new mothers must understand that it is very important to feed babies with breast milk for at least 6 months without giving your baby any external food. The breast milk provides the baby with all the kinds of required nutrients. It protects the baby from various kind of diseases like developing any allergies or asthma, respiratory illness or any infections.

Breast milk provides an optimal balance between water, proteins, fiber, sugar, and fat. breast milk also ensures that the development of the body parts in the baby is alright and, the mother and the child often connect emotionally during this phase of breastfeeding.

Not just for the kids, breastfeeding is also very beneficial for the mothers. It reduces the risk of breast cancer, helps in reducing the blood loss which is caused post-delivery. And most women are very conscious about the weight that pregnancy leaves behind. So, to all the new mothers, this one is a good news. Breastfeeding also reduces the weight. And, most women are prone to feeling depressed after the baby is born, breastfeeding is also known to reduce the chances of depression.

And most women are very conscious about the weight that pregnancy leaves behind. So, to all the new mothers, this one is a good news. Breastfeeding also reduces the weight. And, most women are prone to feeling depressed after the baby is born, breastfeeding is also known to reduce the chances of depression.

So, breastfeeding is a win-win situation for both the mother and the child. to all the mothers, who have second thoughts about breastfeeding can go for it for all the mutual benefits.

But sometimes, the mother is not able to produce enough milk or the baby needs more than the mother is producing. In that case, the mother must try to control and alter their diet to be able to produce enough milk.

Some of the foods that can be consumed to increase the milk supply are:


1. Oatmeal

This is not just good for the quantity of breast milk but also the quality. It reduces the risk of iron deficiency and anemia which is very common in newly born babies.
A warm bowl of oatmeal is also known as the comfort food for all the new mothers and helps them to feel relaxed. They are whole grain and easy to digest.

But buying packed instant oatmeal should be avoided as they have extra salt and water.

Oats can be topped with honey, maple syrup or berries to enhance the taste. Oats are also present in cookies and biscuits.


2. Almonds

Not just almonds. Nuts like walnuts and cashews are also very healthy for nursing mothers.
Almonds are very rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant which play a vital role in the mother and child health. The richness of breast milk is increased due to the monounsaturated fats in almonds. Almonds are also a good source of calcium. Almonds can be very good to satisfy the hunger between the meals.

Almonds are also a good source of calcium. Almonds can be very good to satisfy the hunger between the meals.
Eating 6-7 soaked almonds in a day can help in maintaining the mother-child health.

But in case you have a history of allergy with nuts, then almonds must be avoided.

Need More Reasons to Eat Almonds? Check out these 15 Health Benefits.


3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids like omega-3. These fats help in producing thicker and nutritious breast milk.
It can help in providing immunity to the mothers to take care of the child.
Mothers who are breastfeeding their kids must consume up to three tablespoons of virgin coconut oil every day.

Also Read: 30 Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut and Coconut Oil


4. Oranges

Oranges are delicious fruits with great content of fiber in them. They are very good for the health of nursing mothers and newborn children. They have high vitamin C. the intake of vitamin C is correlated to the content of vitamin C in the breast milk.

It provides women with immunity and helps them recover from the pregnancy weight gain.

While nursing, drink about 2 glasses of orange juice daily. For better output, try calcium-fortified orange juice. Along with orange juice, opt for water, soup and skim milk to keep your body hydrated.

You should avoid drinking too much orange juice as it can make you and the baby fussy or cause acidity.


5. Eggs

Eggs are rich in protein, lutein, vitamins B12 and D, riboflavin, folate, and choline. It has been proved that consumption of choline during pregnancy and nursing ensures the normal growth and prevents them from future ailments and develops brain appropriately.

The yellow portion in the egg has vitamin D which is very good for the babies.

Consumption of eggs provides eight of the important amino acids. A couple of eggs every day can help in the proper growth and development of the mother and the kid. It can be boiled, scrambled or omelets can be made.

Eggs are very Healthy. Check out these 20 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs!


6. Carrots

During pregnancy and the phase of break feeding, eating vitamin A foods like carrots is very important. It aids in the growth of the fetus and the lung and body development of the kid. It ensures that the matures properly without any deficiencies.
Carrots contain alpha and beta carotene which can improve the breast tissues and increase the breast milk.

Eating a few carrots every day by including them in your salad and soup is very beneficial.

Also Read: 15 Health Benefits of Eating Carrots.


7. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds can boost breast milk really well. Fennel seeds have been used for centuries as a galactagogue. Fennel is known to have properties similar to that of estrogen, the female hormone and is used by many to increase the supply of breast milk. You can add fennel seeds powder as a spice in gravies. It can also be added to milk and tea.


8. Brown Rice

Most of us cook white rice at our homes instead of the brown rice, but in reality, Brown is a lot better than the white ones. They have a high content of complex carbohydrates which can help in making you feel fuller for a long time and hence maintain the blood sugar levels.

It has the necessary calories which help in the development of the baby. The calories help in making a rich and thick breast milk.

Consuming pre-germinated brown rice is also known to reduce the growth of symptoms of depression.
Having one bowl of brown rice a day can be good for health. But remember to soak the rice in water a few hours before cooking, else they do not cook properly.


9. Garlic

Garlic is known to have lactogenic effects if taken in moderation. It has been used since long to boost the milk supply in new moms as studies have shown that garlic possesses certain chemical compounds which increase the production of breast milk.

Add garlic to soups, stir-fries, and curries to enhance the taste and see your baby getting enough milk for his/her growth.

Also Read: 10 Health Benefits of Garlic.


10. Cumin Seeds

Have cumin seeds to stimulate the milk production. Cumin seeds are known to stimulate the production of milk when taken in moderation. Also, it can prevent constipation and bloat. Being a good source of iron it can help new moms with post-partum recovery.

Add cumin powder to a glass of buttermilk, lemon water or consume it early morning or at bedtime with a glass of warm water.


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