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8 Healthy Eating Tips that will Help You Remain Healthy!

8 Healthy Eating Tips that will Help You Remain Healthy


8 Healthy Eating Tips that will Help You Remain Healthy!

Healthy eating involves eating the right combination of foods, in the right amount to provide sufficient energy and nutrients for our bodies to function.

People think following the strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love keeps your body fit and beautiful. But actually, it’s about having more energy, improved health, and stabilizing your mood.

It is estimated that an average man needs about 2500 calories a day and an average woman needs about 2000 calories a day. The exact amount a person need depends on several factors that include, age, sex, height and how active you are.

Why Eating Healthy is Important for Our Health?

Eating right helps you maintain a healthy weight and avoid many health problems. Having a healthy diet also have a profound effect on your mood and sense of wellbeing.

Eating an unhealthy diet (packaged meals, takeout food, and sugary snacks etc.) play an important role in the development of mental health disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, and schizophrenia, or in the increased risk of suicide in young people.

Healthy Eating Tips

There are few tips one must follow to remain healthy and these tips will help you to stay full of energy and keeps your body in fit as a fiddle!

1. Eat variety of foods

Your body needs more than 40 different nutrients for good health and no single food can supply all of them. Balance your choice of food over time! If you eat a high-fat lunch, then have a low-fat dinner. If you are having a large serving of meat at dinner one day, choose fish the next day.

2. Choose food rich in carbohydrates

People most of the times ignore foods such as bread, rice, pasta, other cereals, and potatoes. But, more than half the calories in your diet should come from these foods. Eat wholegrain bread, pasta, and other whole grain cereals, to increase your fiber intake.

3. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

People generally ignore fruits and vegetables because they are now much in habit of eating fast food or they don’t have time to eat freshly prepared vegetables. We must be concerned with this as we actually ignore the important protective nutrients. If you are not in habit of having fruits then try to eat at least five servings a day. If you do not enjoy them at first – you can watch few videos and try some new recipes, else see what ready prepared dishes are available in the market.

4. Maintain your body weight

There is a weight chart that you must follow to keep a check on your health. The weight that is right for you depends on several factors including your height, age, sex, and heredity. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of heart disease and cancer. Excess body fat results when you consume more calories than you need. Doing exercise or physical activity can help you control gaining those extra calories. Also, exercise keeps you active, fit and energetic. So, if you are gaining weight, you must eat less and be more active.

Read: 101 Benefits of doing Exercise Regularly!

5. Eat small portions, but don’t stop eating

If you love to eat different kinds of food, but worry about gaining weight then eat small portions. Keeping food portion sizes reasonable, makes it easier to eat all the foods you love without having to eliminate any. If you are eating out, you can share a portion with your friend.

6. Eat regularly

Skipping meals, thinking it will control your weight is never a good option. People today are so much occupied that they skip their breakfast, which is the most important portion of the healthy diet. It can lead to out-of-control hunger, and often resulting in helpless overeating. Having snacks between meals can help curb hunger, but don’t eat large portions of them to substitute for proper meals. Also, don’t forget to count your snacks as part of your total calorie intake.

7. Drink lots of fluids

Taking about fluids is not only water, it is also fruit juices, milk etc. Adults must drink 2L of water a day. More water you consume, more you flush out your toxins. But, maintain a limit on your juice ( try unsweetened juice- 150 ML a day) intake as they contain sugars so keep in mind how much juice you need to take. Other good options include unsweetened tea and coffee and low-fat milk. Stop consuming alcohol.

8. Cut down on fats and sugars

Watching TV and having popcorns, chips etc., you never count but they are counted in the extra calories you are providing your body with, especially the midnight snack. Too much sugar between meals can increase your risk of tooth decay, diabetes, and adds extra calories.

We are not saying that you need to completely stop eating Fat & Sugar, No, you can eat them but in Limited Quantity but you need to cut down on sugary foods and drinks like cereals high in sugar, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks etc. Look the food labels to help you choose foods lower in saturated fat and sugars by choosing varieties with more green and ambers on the front of pack label.


So, all you need to do is make a diet chart of yours considering all fruits and veggies with time to eat. Start it gradually as no one can strictly follow up a routine. Start now and slowly you will have a habit of your eating timetable. Do exercise daily as it is very important to keep you energetic and stay fit.

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