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7 Surprising Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds!

7 Surprising Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds


7 Surprising Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds!

Nowadays, Hemp seeds are used as a food supplement or they are included in meals as well so that you get all the nutrients you, ideally, need. The plants used for the production of hemp is unlike marijuana. There are more chances of foods getting contaminated having trace amounts of THC, a key ingredient of marijuana, via handling of the leaves and stems during the production process. A long list of nutritional facts makes this one of the beneficial superfood choices available


What Are Hemp Seeds?

Hemp seeds are the seeds found in the hemp plant or it is also called Cannabis Sativa. Although Marijuana is also extracted from the same plant, hemp seeds only contain some amount of THC and this amount won’t make you high. Hemp seeds are considered safe and they are healthy to eat as well.

Hemp is the most extensively used and industrial crops across the globe. Hemp’s fibers are the longest and they are also the durable natural fibers. These seeds can be easily grown and you don’t even need any form of pesticides and herbicides. Hemp oil or hemp seed oil is extracted by the pressing of hemp seeds.

Some of the products made using hemp oil comprise of:

  • Body care products
  • Building materials
  • Health foods
  • Cleaning products


Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds


1. Holistic Source of Plant Protein

These seeds are one of the important nonmeat sources of protein. These seeds comprise of all the amino acids needed for your body. With the help of these proteins, you can easily build muscle and can also curb hunger, making weight loss attempts fruitful by cutting down the desire to overeat.

Hemp seeds also contain all 20 amino acids, needed by our bodies to make specific proteins used by various cells. This comprises of 9 essential amino acids our bodies are not able to produce themselves. During the digestion process, the protein from hemp seeds gets easily absorbed.


2. Rich Source of Essential Fatty Acids

The seeds of the hemp plant contain all essential fatty acids. This helps in different conditions including – prevention of certain cancers, inflammation of joints. Your body needs essential fatty acids, but your body is not able to produce it and must be eaten. Hemp seeds have both of them.

Various health organizations, across the world, believe that there has to be 3 or 4:1 balance of both Omega 6 and Omega 3 in the human body. And the hemp seeds have the right balance of both of them. You won’t find it in olive oil, flax, walnut, almond, and soybean.

If you use flaxseed daily, it can lead to dangerous imbalance, since the balance is 1:4 than 4:1 Omega 6 over Omega 3. Essential Fatty Acids (ESAs) are also important for producing life’s energy throughout your body.


3. Contains Cannabidiol

With various pharmacological properties, Cannabidiol is needed by all those who are suffering from nerve-related conditions and suffer from tremors.

Cannabidiol is also known to have antiepileptic and anticonvulsant properties, it really comes handy in reducing the tremors and also helps in the treatment of related illnesses.


4. Minerals

To maintain optimum operation, the minerals present in the hemp seeds come handy. If you are taking single tablespoon it will provide you more than –

  • 8% of the approved DV of zinc.
  • 5% of the approved DV of iron.
  • 16% of the approved daily value of both phosphorous and magnesium.


5. Helpful in Treating Atopic Dermatitis

The oil present in the hemp seeds has shown positive results for all those people who are suffering atopic dermatitis. As per a study, the dietary intake of the oil can help with itching and dryness.

The effects are mainly attributed to the increased levels of fatty acids present in the product. Carrots and coconut oil both are beneficial for human skin.


6. Hemp Seed Milk

The best things about hemp milk are that it is easy to make and it also tastes good. Hemp milk is an important source of protein and key minerals & amino acids.

The milk is made using hemp plant and seeds, it won’t make you high. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the seeds containing hallucinogenic chemicals.

If you were looking for a great alternative to cow’s milk, then this is it. It can be used for making porridge, smoothies, and it is even used for baking as well. It hardly takes five minutes to make and above all, you don’t need to go to the shop. It will have a nutty flavor but the overall flavor is quite subtle.


7. Soluble and Insoluble Fibers

Hemp seeds are known to have both soluble and insoluble fiber. If you find it difficult to regulate your blood sugar, then soluble fiber is important for you.

If you are suffering from diabetes, soluble fiber will slow down the absorption of the glucose and various other sugars post-meal, creating a steady increase instead of a spike in the blood sugar levels.

As far as insoluble fiber (present in the products) is concerned, it helps in helping digestion, moving indigestible materials, and various other waste products through your system.


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